I’ve been gaming since the end of high school in 1976. The Fantasy Trip was my first RPG in 1977. I dabbled in D&D, C&S, DragonQuest, & others. I GM’d TFT.
I went to my first game convention in the early 1980s. These were fairly large weekend conventions in Los Angeles that happened 3 times per year. There, I expanded my experience to miniature wargaming: GHQ, Johnny Reb, Two Hour Wargames (All Things Zombie, NUTS!) & many others. I expanded my RPG too: GURPS, ShadowRun, Paranoia, and many others. But I always ran TFT at the cons and at home.
I now run NUTS! and TFT in Maine. With the release of The Fantasy Trip Legacy, I will be entering a new era of gaming.